Monday, March 31, 2008

Weird Happenings

Last Thursday on March 27, 2008 was one of the strangest days of my life. My wife, (Angie) was feeling bad and I had to take her to St. Francis emergency room. Her left jaw felt tight and she was losing feeling on her left side of her body. When entered the emergency room she checked in and they immediately was sent to the back. I went to use the bathroom and decided to purchase a diet Pepsi. I ate some barbecue skins with that drink. After the so called delicious meal, I went to the back to check on my wife. As she was getting undressed I slid her shoes to the corner so no one would trip over them. Well, almost fell over them and the nurse said " Don't fall because only one bed can fit in each room. We laughed but while the nurse was checking Angie's blood pressure I started to feel dizzy. My stomach felt bad so I went to the bathroom in the waiting room. I stayed in the bathroom for awhile. When I felt a little better I walked to the car to get some information for the doctor. I had to lay in the car for awhile because it seemed like the world was spinning. Finally I staggered to the emergency room and asked the receptionist if I could get my sugar level tested. He said "I would have to sign in first". I signed in they called a few more people and then they called me to the back. When the nurse checked my sugar level, it was 319. When they I went to the room in the back, the nurse checked my sugar level again and it went up to 394. The doctor kept me in the room until my sugar level went down. The nurse gave me a glucose shot and my sugar level was brought down to 284. I was in room 5 and Angie was in room 8. We were both in the hospital at the same time. Angie was looking for me and the nurse told her that I was a patient also. So we started to text message each other. The doctor finally let me go and I went to see my wife. They kept her for the weekend. The doctors found out that her iron was very low and she would have to take medicine for the rest of her life but she came in at the right time. If she would have waited she would have been in a worse shape. The same can be said about me. This was the highest my sugar level had ever been and I am glad I was near an hospital at that time.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Adventures of Writing a Sript

I am a film producer slash actor, director, editor, special effects, and script writer. Some people might think that writing a scrip is very hard but a beg the differ. Here is an easy way to start a script or a rough draft of one. First open your mind and think of a situation that you have been in or someone else's. Then think on how you would play the scenario out. I would usually create characters while I write the script. Always think of storytelling rather than scenes. Just writing scenes will make a movie very boring. As a person writes a scene the strangest thing might happen. You will become the movie. It is very easy to become lost in your writing. In other words you will become one of the characters and the movie will be your reality at that moment. The character will become you and you will become the character. When you are in this mode make sure you are in a place where you are alone because if you are writing a sex scene then you might say the wrong things out loud and if you are writing a horror scene or movie then you might yell at the top of your lungs. The people around will probably call the crazy house and admit you.

Losing Weight

In the year of 2003 I weighed at a staggering figure of 245 pounds. It does not sound that much but if you are 5'8 then it is a massive problem and a person would have realize that the weight was all fat not muscle. I had overlapping disease at its worst form. If you do not know what that is then picture this in you mind. My stomach almost reached my lap and that is large. It puts you in the mind of a black Homer Simpson. That is right I was just that fat. What made me realize that I was over weight when I was lying down in bed and my wife told me to role over. I said why should I role over and she said I was snoring. I told her that I was not sleep. I weighed so much by breathing was loud. That next day I went on a diet and the next few weeks I lost over 30 pounds. In that same year I lost over 6o pounds. The weight came off years before I was diagnosed for diabetes, that came 3 years later. Now I have one other problem besides diabetes, I would like to work out more but for some reason I can not find the time. I want to work on my abs and get a six pack. The ab lounge in my living room is used for a coat hanger. I am about to star in my own movies and I would like to look good or descent in them. Can someone give me so pointers on how I can achieve these goals. With my diabetes I know I have to start exercising more to become healthy again. I also just found out that I have high cholesterol also.

The Wrecking of the Gray Goose

Last Thursday, me and my children was traveling to West Memphis, Arkansas from my doctors office. I was driving on Crump and was on my way to cross the old bridge when all in a sudden a starter fell off of a truck. I had only a couple of choices. The first one was to try of avoid it and turn to my left. If I would have tried to swerve in the right land I would have hit a car beside me. The second option would have been to stop. In that case an 18 wheeler would have rammed us in the back. The third thing to try to avoid the starter was to turn to the left and I would have hit the medium. So I did what anyone else would have done and hit the starter. I hit the starter so hard that it knocked a big hole in my transmission pan. Fluid spewed on to the ground and I had to put on my emergency signals on to wait for traffic and pull to the side of the road. When my children heard the impact of the starter at the bottom of the car, it scared half to death. My oldest daughter got on the cell phone and called my wife and she was on her way. She got there in record time because she was worked up the street. The strangest was when I looked for the starter it was gone. Someone picked it up while I was inspecting the car. The truck that was carrying the load of starters could not be found. My brother in-laws pulled my car to his house and he said if I buy the parts then he will fix it. My wife and I is sharing one car right now and it is very hard to do so since our schedule is very different.

Getting Back in the Thick of Things

Have you ever fell down and tried to get back up. Normally it is the way you fell down or how hard. That determines on how fast you can recover from the fall. Well I am still in the process of catching up on my work. It is hard but I know I can do it. This time I do not need to much encouragement. My body is just adjusting to the new medicine the doctor prescribed for me. My energy have just come back and I will stay up for at least three days to catch up on my school work but it will be worth it. The sugar level in the blood that is granted to me by God is gracefully going down at a steady pace and I am doing fine. Sometimes I do worry about my work because I hate to worry. I need to calm down in a sense but it is difficult for me to sit in one spot now. I do not know where to start in my studies. Rather to begin in Spanish, English or history, I am still behind but I will conquer my goals. By this weekend, I will catch up in all but one class and that class is Spanish. I have to take a make up test in the history class and the Spanish class. So I will study most of the weekend. I will write my but off to catch up in the rest of the classes. I know in the future, I will look back at this year and laugh about it but for right now I do not see the humor in the present.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An Unwanted Natural Sugar High

I am a type 2 diabetes person. I was diagnosed with this condition 2 years ago and I am still trying to fight this disease before it gets worse. One of the big problems is trying to eat healthy. It is hard to change a habit that you have lived with for as long as you can remember. I miss the fattening foods that I used to chow down on during dinner, lunch and breakfast. Sometimes I will eat my favorite dessert, ice cream, chip ahoy cookies and a coke but I will feel pay for it a couple of hours later. At one point and time I thought I was addicted to the stuff. I have learned by lesson for eating like that now that I had to go to the hospital. I have a lot to live for and I will not let this disease beat me. I have a big future ahead of me and I will not let this problem get me behind again. Now that I am taking my medication correctly, I have more energy then ever before. My last paper sucked big time because I was half sleep trying to write it. That is old news and this is a new Ricky. I have a business to run, scripts to write, movies to produce, act in movies, catch up on my college homework, take care of my wife and kids and live a long prosperous life and I can not forget one of the other precious things I am fighting for, GRADUATION THIS FALL. All the work that I am behind in will be a fight to catch up but that is a battle I will win.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heart broken

The last community college that I graduated from will not have a media broadcasting major. I received a proficiency certificate from this school and realized the importance of the classes that were taught there. I owe my career to one of the best instructors in the world. Mrs. Starks taught me how to do research for movies and documentaries and how to hold a camera, edit film and write scripts. The problem with Mid south community college is that they are putting all of there eggs in one batch. The school is relying on one business to hold on to there existence. Hino a company from Japan is putting a lot of money in the school but if they leave for money purposes then MSCC will be left out in the cold. Hino already have a high turnover rate and production is well below standards. Hino is a company that produces car parts. If they do not produce there goal then they would shut down. While in the mid-south big film producers are bringing movies to this area. As long as a person can produce movies, write movies, edit them, and etc. a job will always come to the mid-south. MSCC will grow fanatically if they put more money in the media and film classes. The other problem is West Memphis, Arkansas is a city that is afraid to take chances in certain areas and the entertainment business in one of them. There is so much talent in this area. I do not understand the concept of only working in a mill or labor job. Please open your horizon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Freedom Even for a Little While

Have you ever wanted to do crazy off the wall things. Maybe a person would like to say and do things without being judged. We need a club that will consist of people that will have the nerve to say and do anything they please and make an oath to not judge and keep what happens in the room will stay in the room. This would be a very relaxing moment but we only do this one time a year or a semester. It could take a load off someones shoulder. The hour or hours will be spent forgetting your problems for awhile. No boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, finance's, parents or any type of kin and children allowed in this meeting. Some loved ones might get hurt in the process of forgetting and letting frustration out. We are trying to forget our problems not remember them and sometimes loved ones are the people we are trying to get away from.

Music shows that shaped American diversity.

Growing up loving all types of music can be great but hard to cope with. I was born on November 24, 1969. In the 70's music was on its way for a high greatness of diversity. This was the birth of Soul Train, The Midnight Special and the first time I heard of American Bandstand. Soul Train would come on channel 13 at 10:30PM on a Friday night. I was only four when I saw my first show. Don Krishoner was the host and it was always a stone gas honey. That was one of his sound bites he would use on the show. After Soul Train would go off, the Midnight Special would air on channel 5. Who could forget Wolf Man Jack and the great people he would have on the show. On this show I thought Richard Pryor was the funniest man on Earth. American Bandstand would air on Saturdays on channel 13 after college football games. Although Dick Clark was the host for this show for many years he kept his youth. The 80's changed the whole criteria of music. One of the greatest moments of my youth was the birth of MTV. I remember the first video that was played, Video Killed the Radio Star by the Boggles. The Boggles only had one hit but they still made history just from that day. MTV created the definition VJ''s. One of my first crushes was Martha Quin. Even till this day I still love her. The VJ's of this crew from that era was Nina Blackwood, David Hunter, Mark Goodman and last but not least Triple J or Jay Jonah Jameson. MTV is not what it used be. In the 80,s MTV showed some the greatest videos of all times. From Billie Jean to Deff Leppards "Fooling" the diversity of music was astounding. One more great show that aired in the 80's was Video Soul. This show became the genre of music on the BET station. Women were crazy about the host Donnie Simpson. I think most women will go crazy about a black man with green eyes. I think he was a great host but I did not get the fascination. Maybe because I am a guy.

Borrowing Money From China

I understand that some Americans are concerned about why the China has increased its military. These concerns are mostly from the Republicans. There are a few problems with this concern or may we call it a scare tactic from McCain. If the republicans tell the public this situation, then for there sake people would probably vote for McCain instead of one of the democrats. Do really think China would turn against America. China claim that America is there close friends. America buys most of their products from China and we send most of our business to their country. Since America is in so much debt because of the Iraqi war, the only countries that would lend us money is Great Britain and China. China is lending the United States the most money. This is happening under George Jr. administration. Once they cut off their supply who will America depend on for money and I have to remind you that the yen is higher than the dollar.

Corrupt Judge

In the case of the city of West Memphis, Arkansas the police chief has considered anyone who did not agree with the Dante Farrow case were criminals and he would have his officers put them in jail or prison. He suggested that the citizens mostly on the south side were rapist, thieves, child molesters, and robbers. Paudert had the audacity to say this to the news media in front of a camera. It seems strange that the police chief would mention criminals in West Memphis, Arkansas. Especially when one of his own is spending time in jail on the weekends for a criminal act. One of the judges in West Memphis, Arkansas was stopped by the Memphis police and arrested. The judge was accused and found guilty of DWI, drug paraphernalia, DUI and reckless driving. In this case he killed a child. How can a person of higher rank commit a crime and still hold his seat on the bench. Maybe when the police chief was talking about criminals, he was speaking about the judge.

The Real Hypocrites In West Memphis, Arkansas

The police chief of West Memphis, Arkansas claims that the community that reside on the south side of town are nothing but criminals and trouble makers. He also claims that the crime rate went up 100% since the Dante Farrow case. Before the Dante Farrow case the crime rate in Paudert eyes and the court system of West Memphis, Arkansas goes up at a certain time of year. For the past twenty years or so, arrest grow to a higher demand during income tax season. Between January and May the local police usually go on a tirade and harass the citizens of West Memphis on the south side of town. You can guess on how many colored people live on that side of town. Mostly African Americans are stopped in this process. Just like the Jim Crow laws in the past the city act as if they need our money to stand on its legs. With the arrest that the police make the court house and the judge make a killing on fines. For an example, channel 5 reported that West Memphis police officers made over 70 arrest. If the reporters would have investigated most of those arrest they would have found out that the arrest was not legit. They would have also noticed that with those amount of arrest the fines would make a staggering figure for the court house and the city. This shows discrimination at its worst form.