Monday, April 7, 2008

We Should Remember!

In class the other day a person made a statement about how Asians were slaves in America and they did not talk about the situation nor remembered the ordeal in any fashion. It literally struck me by surprise that she would not consider on taking the initiative to even reflect the tragedy of that history. History tend to repeat itself and every type of history should be remembered in every shape or form, good or bad. If America can study the great progress and strides that made this country then we can also consider the horrific events that shaped this country. Lets not forget that slavery made this country and we should always remember this problem. Slavery also stemmed racism, bigotry, prejudice, Jim Crow laws and the civil rights movement. Of course slavery should not be celebrated but we should recognize the struggles and the accomplishments certain ethnic groups transpired through the times of building this great country. We should also remember the old saying in the world "We can not find where we are going if we do not know where we have been."

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